14th Annual Denman Island Community Beach Cleanup

September 15 to 22, 2018

Denman Island Debris Drop Off Event:

Saturday, September 22, 2018, 9.30 am to 1 pm.

Debris Drop Off Location:

Marcus Isbister Old School Centre - recycling area

We will be working again this year with our neighbouring communities in a joint ‘BIG BEACH CLEANUP’ to include shorelines of Baynes Sound & Lambert Channel.

This event is sponsored by the Association for Denman Island Marine Stewards (ADIMS), the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), and the BC Shellfish Growers Association (BCSGA).

Our beach cleanup is registered in the Vancouver Aquarium’s ‘Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup’.   [www.shorelinecleanup.ca]

Here is how you can get involved, register and participate!

  • Sign up for a beach or a team
    ADIMS will have a registration table Saturday Sept. 8 & 15 at the Farmers Market. You can register to clean a specific area assigned from the Denman Island map, or you can sign up with one of our teams. You can also register by email or phone.
    ADIMS Beach Cleanup Coordinator Contact: Liz Johnston: lizjj@telus.net
  • Clean your designated shoreline area anytime during the week, to fit tides and your schedule, or work with a specific team on the beaches, or assist with sorting and loading.
  • In the morning of Saturday Sept. 22, bring all your beach debris to the Old School recycling area for sorting and loading onto trucks.
  • Or, drop off debris any time during the week at the Old School Recycling Centre if you can’t make it to the Saturday drop off event. Phone for pickup assistance or info.

After 11 am, participants are welcome to take any reusable items.

After 12 pm, volunteers will load trucks and complete sorting & recycling.

A wind-up beach party or event will be announced later (weather permitting).

We share a common interest in protecting our local waters from the negative impacts associated with marine plastic and debris. Please sign up and join this community event!

ADIMS Email: adimsinfo@gmail.com

Website: www.adims.ca

ADIMS Beach Cleanup Coordinator:  Liz Johnston  [lizjj@telus.net]