Petition Against Geoduck Aquaculture Goes to Parliament
When DFO released its Integrated Geoduck Management Framework (IGMF) in March of 2017, we at ADIMS responded with a petition calling for a moratorium on geoduck aquaculture until it was proven safe within the marine environment. We gathered several hundred signatures on a paper version of the…
Thank you for helping clean up Denman shores
Denman Island Annual Community Beach Cleanup Sept 15 - 22, 2018A huge thank you to Denman community volunteers and our co-sponsorsThis year over 160 volunteers participated in our Denman Beach cleanup event, including over 40 students and teachers from our Community School. For the second year,…
Spring Cleaning!
Why wait for the fall? The sheer tonnage of debris we collect from our beaches every year has got us thinking about a semi-annual cleanup. We're organizing a cleanup in April: details coming soon.