We advocate respect for the marine ecosystem and all its inhabitants
The marine ecosystem has an inherent right to be protected, conserved, maintained and restored, so that all its life sustaining functions continue into the future. We recognize that all life, including our own, depends on the oceans continuing to live and to flourish.
Photo (right): Sea Legacy
Our Ecologically and Biologically Significant Area can be a model for ecosystem-based management
Communities which rely on harvesting local seafood, and local industries (including shellfish growing, tourism, fishing, and wild geoduck harvesting) will be in jeopardy without a balanced and thriving ecosystem. We envision an ecosystem-based, sustainable, and just future for these waters. This could be achieved through a round-table process with stakeholders, and a co-management partnership with First Nations.
We envision new aquaculture systems that will reduce the negative environmental impacts of current practices
Traditional First Nations technologies (clam gardens, for example) could be integrated with new, green methods to allow the shellfish industry to flourish while protecting critical habitats of other marine plants and animals. We advocate for scientific research, with government and community support, to develop aquaculture that does not rely on intensive use of plastics. We would like to see a regional liquid waste treatment system that captures and processes microplastics and pharmaceuticals, and prevents storm runoff from flowing directly into the ocean.
Photo (right): Mike Yip
The marine ecosystem must be protected and its balance restored
Only the flourishing biodiversity of watersheds, estuaries, salt marshes, wetlands, salmon streams, eel grass meadows, kelp beds, beaches, and near-shore habitats can make the marine ecosystem strong and resilient in the face of ocean warming and increasing acidity.
Photo (left): Tavish Campbell
We respect the natural processes of the marine ecosystem and we advocate for the lives of the marine creatures who live in these waters
We believe that with this vision we can build alliances that support local communities to plan environmentally just, economically viable ways to grow into the future.
Photo (right): Mike Yip
We advocate for protection of Baynes Sound, Lambert Channel and surrounding waters.
Together, these waters are identified as an Ecologically and Biologically Significant Area. We pursue positive actions that show respect for and commitment to our marine ecosystem as a whole. We recognize that all life, including our own, depends on our oceans flourishing.